Monday, December 19, 2011

ThresholdArts E-book

I finally got to design something I have been wanting to do for a long time! An interactive book, with flipping pages. After some research I used BOOKLET a plugin using jquery and I also found a rad Moleskine type design. Background image is a free texture from Artist Dyrk Wyrst - he has some really beautiful stuff. Most of the images are also from his flickr feed actually. His moody images really go well with what ThresholdArts is trying to convey. I added Marylizs music as an mp3 - just by embedding it. Don't know if this is the best way to do it. But it plays well and you can use the play pause controls. Note: it does take alittle while to download if you are viewing the page in Firefox.

Check it! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Brotherpalooza Invite

Just wanted to share a fun invite I created for the event: BROTHERPALOOZA.
Had a lot of fun searching through images of pin ups girls from the 50's. The invite itself is also based off of an old advertisement for camel cigarettes.

Maryliz Smith Website

Just finished up a site for performance artist Maryliz Smith. She wanted it simple and stunning. Her current site used black as a background making it alittle too severe, but since she wanted to keep it on the darker side, we swapped the black out for a nice dark gray with a yellow tone. We also added text and navigation buttons in green. To keep with her organic feel.

Looks good! The beautiful nature images on her site are from flickr. Photo artist Dyrk Wyst. I also added a music player built with javascript and HTML 5. I'm still having issues with it and the current firefox, but hoping to resolve the issues soon!

I am also currently working on a type of e-book for her. Exciting stuff as I can start to utilize HTML5. There are so many possibilities for sound and animation!